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핵심 채용정보

제 목 [한-아세안센터] Senior Officer 채용 (~12/27)
작성자 admin 등록날짜 2020-12-23 11:11:44 / 조회수 : 736
첨부파일 201211_Recruitment of senior officer.docx
  • [ASEAN-Korea Centre] Senior Officer

    The ASEAN-Korea Centre is currently seeking for Senior Officer of ASEAN and Korean nationality

    to lead the programs of the ASEAN-Korea Centre (AKC).

    1. Employment Conditions

    - Period: 1 year

    * The contract period may be extended depending on the applicant's work performance and his/her willingness

    - Gross Salary per annum: KRW 48,700,000 ~ KRW 54,700,000

    *The above salary includes lunch allowance and transporation subsidy

    - Benefits: 4 Major insurances, Welfare card, Medical Examination, Club Acticity, etc.

    - Expeted starting date: Negotiable

    - Working hours: 9:00 - 18:00 (Lunch: 12:00 - 13:00)

    - Location: 8th fl., 124, Sejong-daero, Jung-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea 04520


    2. Selection Process

    The recruitment process will follow the step of:

    1) Document review

    2) English writing test and In-person Interview

    3) Health screening

    * The schedule can be changed according to the number of applicants and the recruitment progress.

    Successful candidates for the first screening and the final will be notified individually.

    Those who passed the first screening must bring their ID card on the second screening and arrive 10 minutes early for the interview.

    * Please be sure to apply before the submission due date to prevent network congestion, and make sure to check

    that your application has been successfully applied.


    3. How to Apply

    - Application should be submitted on-line (http://aseankorea.saramin.co.kr)

    - Application Deadline: 2020. 12. 27, 18:00

    * Applicants are fully responsible for any advantages that may incur due to errors and omissions in the information provided.

    - For any other inquiries, please contact: recruit@aseankorea.org


    4. Required Documents

    The required documents below are to be submitted after the final offer:

    - Graduation Certificate

    - Transcript of Academic Record

    - Career/Employment Certificate

    - Certificate for English Proficiency

    * In principle, TOEIC certificate should be submitted, but if not available, TEPS, TOEFL IBT, G-TELP, FLEX and other English-speaking tests may be submitted.


    For more details, please refer to the attached file.



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